Thursday, April 27, 2017

home & design

home & design

what am i doing here, kartik? i can't do this, anymore. i'm suffocating here. what is this, meera?you are at it, again! you were the one who wantedto go back to dehradun, right? you wanted to go back to yourdad to be his good little girl. to fulfill his passion for fashion. so, you did it. you went there.what's the problem, then? you are talkingas if you never crib.

and anyway, you've become morecranky after going to london. in your dreams, meera. you've become more crankyafter going to dehradun. anyways, how was your day? meera, look at this. look, can you understand it? wait, i'll show you the print. look at this. alia's 'lehenga'.

make something awesomelike this, meera. is this for your daughter? oh, no way! it's for me. i will look so good in it. okay, listen... you've given it a little toomuch coverage, meera. shorten it a bit. please? from here and from here, too. and a little bit morefrom the back.

i will look totally sexy, ya! meera, ya, this has becomeyour permanent status. kartik, i can't even rememberrohan's offer, clearly. it seems so far away. 'you are the first intern,who is being... ...offered the post of designer... ...directly after her internship.' 'you've basically skipped... 'how many is it?'

'four.' 'four stages.' 'what's your decision?' but, this decisionfelt right, at that time. but i can't complain,business is good. business is ...meera sehgal is talkingabout business, eh? i've got money on my mind? stability, kartik!

i mean, we are grown ups, now. we need to stop chasingour dreams and settle for security. don't talk to me likethe oldest aunty in dehradun. speaking of elders,did aunt renu come today? meera, my costume jewelry... ...compliments your clothes,so very well! look at this, meera. it's such a beautiful piece! it goes so very well,with your clothes!

meera. empty out that rackand give it to me. let's be partners. say that again? the fact is that, cutting itis the most important part. that's why, you have cut itstraight from here till here. and then,cut it round like this. and then,it'll fall like this. what?

who cuts a 'kurta' like that? i don't want one of thosetraditional types, you see. just do one thing.cut a sample piece, first. sample? do you want me to cut a sample?- yes, i... i'll wear...- no! no, no, ma'am. this is disrespectful to me! do one thing.get someone else to do it. thank you.

and that was my day. how was yours? i've cooked 50 thousandpotato flatbreads... ...and 12 kgs of butter chicken,officially. meera, i thought thatthis opportunity... ...will bring me toa great place. but, where has it brought me? this has becomea stress ball, now. so now, you've begunwith your crib, too?

you were spoutingsuch wise lectures, before. anyway, think about it this way. at least, our businessis running well. meera, even a confectioner'sbusiness runs well! so, should we becomeconfectioners, then? meera, just admit one thing. the choices we both made,they were totally wrong. we made wrong choices. and that's why, we are here.

hello, mr. suleiman. please come back. please. yes. okay, you can tell mehow to cut it. okay. okay, meera.just relax. okay? i admit it.i'm a mess. meera. hello? meera, ya! ya, you always do this.

sorry, our card machineis not working. what do you mean,your card machine is not working? is this some kind of a villageor what? what do you want me do,if it's not working? ma'am... - i've triedeverything that i could. how can i help you?i don't live here. oh, what do you want me to... actually, ma''s a server problem..., the machine is notaccepting the card.

well, i have no cash. no cash? no. and thanks for the coffee. excuse me, ma'am.not only coffee...'am, there arealso two bran muffins... chicken sandwich... ...two oatmeal cookies and there'sone coffee along with that. it's a lot of calories. anyway, thanks.

excuse me, ma'am.i... hey, listen. how dare you? what am i supposed to do? atm's don't have money.i don't have any cash. your card machine isn't working. so, how is this my fault, huh? ma'am, you can ask someone fromhome to bring the money. what do you mean by 'home'?

i mean home,house or residence. oh, god. i know. this is just...this is really embarrassing. why is this villageso full of mean people? dehradun is lovely. and it's full of amazingpeople, actually. 650, ma'am. i'm meera sehgal. ma'am, your card.

thanks, meera. um... look, i'll pay you back, yeah? just give me your address, phonenumber, whatever. - thank you. i can't do these...- don't worry about it. it's my treat. also, welcome to dehradun. thanks. straight ahead over there?- yes?

first right and then left. there's my shop.- oh! do feel free todrop by any time. cool. yeah. see you. hi. hey. i'm sorry. we are closed. but, you said come anytime.right?

so, here i am. okay. sure. come in. thanks! hmm. nice stuff! great fabric! no one uses pure fabric,nowadays. this is dehradun. the aunties over hereeven specify... many grams of crepeare to be used. must be so fun, right? making stuff for aunties. trust me. it isn't. it's like slow suicide. i love it! i mean, i would love know? and i'd love to be onthe road, like you. great jacket, by the way!

it's expensive. actually, you know what? bill me, please. and add the billfrom the cafe in it, too. no. don't worry about that. that was on me. india isn't ascashless as the internet claims. actually... know what, babe? can you do me onelast favor, please?

i know, you've beenvery helpful so far. can you loan me some cash? i'll pay you back. obviously! okay, know what? here. just... ...swipe my card...,000 extra? no. i don't thinki can do that. babe, come on. just... a sister out. i'm on a mission, here.i'm chasing my dreams. and i'm sure, you understand that. look. i made a reallybig mistake... ...and now, i'm regretting it. i just... i want to fix my life!just, please help me out. i'm going to get intobig trouble for this. kiran.- just make it snappy. it's got a cooling effect, sunita.

i must say, your pack really works. hey, meera! champ!come here! how was your day? same.- come, meera. sit, sit. sit, dear. see? i made this pack for you.come! sit! mom, i don't wantto apply any pack. i worry more about your looksthan you do. you looked so different,when you came from mumbai!

you were so dark,you had dry hair. see how much yourface is glowing, now! okay, listen. we're going to the sharmafamily's place for dinner, today. go to the parlorand get your hair done. for uncle sharma? please!my hair is amazing, okay? please listen to me, dear. nikhil has arrived from america.he's also coming. so? he knows me since childhood.

he stuck chewing gumin my hair. should i visit the parlorfor him? nikhil stays in new york, dear. it will be perfect! what will be perfect?- meera! my dear, new york isthe fashion capital. in fact, you should be happy.- so? you'll be happy there, dear. nikhil is the perfectalliance for you.

alliance?dad, what is going on? meera, you don't need to getmarried tomorrow, itself. i think, there's no harmin meeting a few boys. nikhil is a very cuteand fair boy, meera. you'll surely like him.check him on facebook. okay? are we really havingthis conversation? do we live in 1969? i don't want to meet any boy foran alliance. - meera! i told younot to say anything.

okay, bye!- okay, i'm sorry, meera. but, i don't understand whyyou're getting so surprised? i don't understand, whyaren't you getting offended? meera, ya, just get real. you also know that we'renot those marriage types. we're those follow your dreams,follow your heart types, right? just a second, okay? isn't it? right? okay, listen to me.

if you're having a destinationwedding, i'm definitely coming. i'm telling you, now. don't dropme out of the guest list. okay? shut up, kartik!there isn't going to be a wedding. just a minute. hold on.i'm getting a call. yes, mom! no need to ask meten thousand times. i'm coming! one minute. meera... and mrs. sharmahave arrived. and nikhil is there, too.- please mom, please.

this doesn't look good, dear.just come for two minutes. you wait for a minute.i'll just go to the washroom. meera! meera! kartik, please answer the call. kartik, where are you, dude? i'm trapped badly!please, call me soon. hi! could i get some wine,please? hey! hi! nikhil?

what's up, meera? listen. let's cut to the chase. my parents are forcing meto talk to you. so, just pretend. thank god, ya!my parents, too. baby, i just swiped right, thirty seconds back. in the next ten minutes,she'll be here. and then, five minutesfor pleasantries. and then, we just, just go on.

wow! nice calculation! life is all aboutthe calculations. by the way, youhave become quite hot, too. let's catch up when i'm back. okay? yeah, okay. hey, waiter! what happened, now?- nikhil happened, kartik!

my parents have organizedan entire event for meeting him! listen meera, even your weddingwill be planned, unexpectedly. uncle and aunt have gotsome creative skill. stop your nonsense, kartik! it looks like your game isover, meera. i tell you,you only have one option. run away. run away?- yes, run away. kartik! i got a job atthe house of areem!

i'm going to be the principledesigner for their exclusive line! meera, ya, don't waste yourtime behind guys like areem. dad!- yes, tell me. i've got a job offer,in mumbai. no, meera. all this, standing behindcounters... ...and making copies of bollywooddesigns, that isn't my dream. no means no, meera! meera, are you crazy? will you runaway from home? are you crazy?

correct! buddy,you're doing the right thing. hey, sam! you go toyour nude boyfriend. sameera! kartik! stop it! - don'tyou get it? - shut up, ya! you are making paranthas in london.- you're always poking your nose. presented bycastrol activ scooter. styled by flipkart fashion. jewelry partner,mia by tanishq.

home & design Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selintya Ramadhani