Wednesday, April 26, 2017

dove baby bird

dove baby bird

♪ (industrial music) ♪ ♪ (trap music intensifying) ♪ - yes, i can get behind this. ♪ (bass drops) ♪ oh no, never mind. - (snickers) - (amused) what? what is this? - he's got a purple [bleep]. - it's just getting fasterand faster and faster and faster

and faster. that was it? i've never even seen that before. - that was interesting. - i could probablyuse a little more context. i'm not sure really what it is. - i've seen that birdeverywhere on facebook. and it's the most dumb-looking thing. ♪ (bubbly edm) ♪- what's happening?

- ♪ this the kinda beat that go ♪ ♪ (bass thumping) ♪ - this is like a headbanging pigeon. - at least the music's kinda decent. what the f-- just random anime involved? - every single thing in hereis like on drugs or something. this is so weird. - i may have seen it like yesterday. i do remember seeing that weird,like, purple neck thing.

but that's about it. - ♪ a-well-a, everybody'sheard about the bird ♪ - (singing along) ♪ b-b-b-bird,bird, bird, bird is the word ♪ - ♪ a-well-a, bird, bird,bird, bird is the word ♪ - who comes up with stuff like this? - ♪ a-well-a, bird, bird, bird ♪- it's so cute. - ♪ a-well-a, bird, bird, bird ♪ - i don't understand what's going on. this whole thing is just strange.

- this is how i dance.i literally, like... - ♪ b-bird's the word ♪ ♪ a-well-a, bird, bird, bird,well, the bird is the word ♪ - this is actually kinda funny. - he's just a purple pigeon, you know? and he just-- he bobs his head,and he does his thing. and it's cute. - ♪ bird is the word ♪ ♪ a-well-a, bird, bird ♪

- somebody spent theirwhole day animating this, which just blows my mind. - i just wanna know whatthe context is with this bird. like, where did he come from? ♪ (heavy metal) ♪- what? this is like an emoji now. - oh. it's the facebook things. - i just like how everything is sped up. - headbanging at the urinal.that's some hardcore shit.

- who comes up with stufflike this? is this a meme? - it's just another meme. i'm sort of numb to memes at this point. - whoever created that, you're a genius. - (fbe) so this is also sort ofspreading in other ways. - oh boy. - let's see some pigeon pics. - is that, like, the golden ratio? - it looks like the fibonacci sequence.

it's saying this pigeon is inperfect, sacred geometry. - i can't believe peoplehave found this on facebook, and i've never seen it before. - everyone is just postingin the comments right there. that's the annoying part. - i think someone showed me this before, and i had no idea what it i kinda just bypassed it. now looking at it again,it's like, "oh, that's a bird." - why? i don't even-- it's not-- (sighs)

- (laughs heartily) it's waluigi. - i would really appreciatea hat that did that for me. - no one likes waluigi. oh man. i like him a little bit morewith that hat though. - (chuckles) all right,that one's kinda funny. - 'cause it's a dove. (chuckles) people are so clever. - oh. i like this one. this one'sthe most creative for sure.

- dude, if i went intothe market and i saw that, i would so buy it. - yes! this is my favorite. - who is that? it's headbanging pigeon. - oh, that's a pokemon i'd like to catch. - why? i feel like there's anunderground cult of people who make these memes and these gifs. - where have i been?have i been living under a rock?

is this this big? - i can't say that i'd feel comfortable seeing somebody do that in the park. yet at the same time,i'd want to join them. - halloween costume idea. it's never too early to start planning. - "post literally anything else." - (guffawing) i like that.

- the struggle. that's a pretty hard decision. - i would post the bird.the bird for sure. - it's taken off that muchthat people are like, it's been over-memed. - (snickers) "[bleep] thatfacebook pigeon meme." - that's a lot of anger. - what did the pigeon do to you?why are you so angry? - you can't take it out onall doves. that's not fair.

everybody needs to just be happythat there's more memes every single day. theymake the world go 'round. - so it's facebook.facebook sticker. a-ha-ha. - so it's a facebook meme. it's like one of thelittle sticker thingies. i'm not a fan of facebook, so that's probably why i haven't seen it. i don't hang out on there a lot. - (fbe) so do you have any ideawhere these memes came from?

- absolutely zero. - it kinda looks like thedumb ways to die characters. - just based on the artstyle of the pigeon, i feel like it was from a children's book. - facebook. stickers, right? - isn't this just like a facebook sticker? yeah, that just started,and everyone liked it. - (fbe) well, they actually camefrom a set of facebook stickers

an artist in florida made.- oh, okay. and they just blew up? - (fbe) and here they are.- ohh. i've seen this before. - it's really cute. i wonder what madeeveryone obsess over it. - i've literally never seen these before. but i might start using them. - that looks like every othersticker set i've ever seen. why did this become a thingthat is everywhere?

- i wonder how the designersfeel about their, uh, cute little pigeon being turned into a very, very widely used meme. - (fbe) so this memeis called trash doves. i don't think it's trash.i thought it was kinda cute. - really? not the headbanging pigeon? - (fbe) and the stickers werecreated just a few weeks ago. and they have since blown up, first going viral in thailand on facebook.

but it's been spreading from there. - the internet hasa really interesting way of making things happen fast. - it's a feat to go viral on facebookwith just stickers. - it's so strange where it happens. like, you never know whena meme's gonna become a meme. who just decided that,"you know what? this is hilarious. i'm gonna make a dancing video with it." - i don't think i've everreally heard of a meme

coming from anywhere else. usually the memes that we read or watch are always from here, the states,because we're hilarious. for this to jump overis pretty crazy, you know? and i think that really sayssomething huge about comedy and how comedy can cross all borders. - this is kind of a good examplethat we can, you know, learn to appreciate thingsthat are originating elsewhere and also learn that certainthings are universal.

like, obviously memes are universal. - (fbe) and one of the mostcommon uses of the sticker is to use it as a comment on facebook. and often other users will catch onand reply with the sticker until the entire facebook comment section is filled with these birds.- i can't even, like, imagine. - ♪ trolling! you gotta troll people! ♪ - (fbe) so why do you thinkthat this has caught on so much? - because it's fun to spam,and it's fun to make people mad.

i'm very triggered by this meme,because i hate it. like, it just gets spammed, and then you ddos my comment thread. and then i'm like... well,now i can't look at the comments. all i see is this [bleep] pigeon. - this is like the 2017version of when people used to go to, let's say,the youtube comment section and put, you know, the linesand dashes and make this face or the guy picking his noseor something like that.

and then every comment following that would start being those drawings. - most of the world is fluent in meme now. and i think everybody just kinda gets it. it's like this hidden languagethat people who use the internet are just kinda aware of. - (fbe) the artist whocreated these stickers has embraced what's happened and even tweets out many of them herself.

do you think that if youdesigned something like this and the primary reason it became popular was because it became a meme,you'd embrace it like she has? - you know, i probablywould, to be honest, because it's just another form-- i'd be sort of irked that my artisn't being taken seriously. but at the same time,my art is being spammed worldwide. like, everybody knows what this meme is. - i would love that it's gettinga lot of viral attention.

but probably, like,i would be a little upset that people aren't taking itas seriously as me, because i put a lot of passioninto the art i created. - there's no greater honor thanbecoming a meme. let's be honest. - if i made something in my lifethat became a meme, i will have peaked at life. - regardless of the fact that it blew up because people are spamming it, she did take time to make that,

which means that peopleare kind of appreciating her art, even if it is, oh, as a joke. there's still some formof appreciation in it. so it's a win-win for her. - (fbe) finally, these memes spreadand fill people's feeds. and some end up jumping inand doing it too, while others get upsetand will most about hating it or being over it. why do you think there's such a divide

over loving or hating trends?- you know what? i'm sick of it at this point.i've seen it too many times. i've seen so many people talkingabout it in the past two days. like, i think i discoveredthis meme like three days ago. you know? and i'm alreadyjust so tired of it. it's like hearing a songover and over again. - they don't understand something. people just kind ofhate on it for no reason, which makes no sense to me.

- it's just like human nature,i feel, to be wanting to be contrary wheneverybody is for something. - it's something's, like, innocent. there's really no reasonto me to spend your time and waste your energyhating over a facebook sticker or a meme of some sort. - there's two kindsof people in the world: people who embrace the meme,people who hate the meme. and i don't think there'sany given reason for it.

i think just people who embracethe meme are more fun and just better than the other. - (fbe) burn! - thanks for watching this episodeof college kids react. - two videos almost every sure to subscribe. - thanks for watching, everyone! - hey, guys. it's dallen here from fbe. thanks so much for watchingthis episode of college kids react. have anything else thatyou want us to react to?

let us know in the comments. bye, guys!

dove baby bird Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selintya Ramadhani