Tuesday, July 11, 2017

simple but beautiful house designs

simple but beautiful house designs

are you ready to learn how to create thesefive cute designs only using a toothpick? all of them are very easy and fast to make.hey guys! you asked for it, so here it is - third episode of the toothpick nail art.i'm going to show you five, actually six designs that you can create only by using a toothpick.the designs we are making are heart balloon in the clouds, kisses, heart leopard print,puppy paws, dotted exclamation mark and dotted heart designs. quite some hearts going onthere right? well, valentine's day is just around the corner, so go grab some toothpicksand let's perk up those nails. you guys know the drill: start off with abase coat to protect your nails against staining. especially if you're using darker colors orstrong pinks, this step is absolutely essential!

hi! i'm mister toothpick, friends call medouchepick. whatever. i love nail art and we're gonna make some designs today.now our nails are ready and we can jazz them up with some color.the first design we're making is a beautiful heart balloon in the sky. start by paintingyour nail in blue. i need to apply two coats to get an opaque result. now, we're readyfor the heart, but before i'll show you some tips on how to work with a toothpick to getsmaller or larger dots. all toothpicks are very pointy on the ends, which is great whenyou need to make small dots. when you want the dots to be bigger, just cut the end likethis. since the toothpicks i am using have this triangular shape, i also need to cutthem along like so. if cutting the end of

the toothpick isn't enough, and you want yourdots to be even bigger dip the toothpick into the polish and let it dry, dip it again andlet it dry. you'll see how the drop of the polish on the tip of the toothpick is gettingbigger and bigger. when the size is perfect, draw a heart, by making a v shape. to getthe color right, i need to go over it again, but you can skip the step if your backgroundblue isn't that dark. when you're happy with the heart, draw a thin black string hangingdown. we'll come back to the balloon later when it's dry. meanwhile let's dress the skyup with some fluffy clouds. just dip toothpick in white and make bunches of dots close togetherto form clouds. make as many clouds as you like, i made many as you can see. they arejust so cute! now it's time to give the balloon

a 3d feel by drawing a tiny white stripe onone side. apply a layer of a fast drying top to finish off this adorable design. i thinkthis one will be perfect for the valentine's or just any other day. you can wear it asan accent, with the rest of the nails painted solid blue, or you can make these cute cloudson all the nails! next design is perfect for all the animallovers! start off by applying two coats of this iridescent pinky nude shade. i reallylove this color for every day, especially when i don't have time to make a proper manicure.i would just paint one layer of this polish and it makes such a big difference. applysome black polish diagonally on the tip of the nail like this. if you got some polishon the skin around the nail, clean it with

a q-tip soaked in acetone. now start makingred dots on the edge of the black line. i want to make small bows. therefore, i am makingpairs of two dots together, leaving some space between the bows. now we are going to makethree adorable puppy paws. as before with the heart, dip the toothpick into the polishand let it dry, dip it again and let it dry. see how our drop of polish on the tip of thetoothpick is getting bigger. now you can make three white dots like this. besides each ofthem we need to make three tiny dots. for these super small dots, you don't need tocut the toothpick, just use its original pointy tip. how amazingly adorable is this one!?ahhh, i can't even... it's just better than words. lastly, apply a top coat to protectthis gorgeous design. i've always wanted a

puppy; now at least i have this sweet puppydesign on my nails. for the third design i'll show you how tomake a funky heart leopard print nails. i am first applying two layers of white polish,because the orange i'm using on top, pops out so much more with the white under. tomake a heart draw a v shape like this. i know this doesn't look like a heart yet, but trustme it will look gorgeous in the end. i am making 4 hearts in three different colors:light pink, green and medium pink. dip the toothpick into a taupe grayish color or youcan just use black and start outlining the edges of the hearts. don't outline the heartsall around, you want them open so you can squeeze more people you love in there. sojust make some lines here and there, but make

sure to outline enough of it so you can tellit's a heart shape. lastly make some random dots and marks to cover the empty spaces betweenthe hearts. i love the colors i used for this a bit different take on the leopard print.the design looks so cool and different! it is definitely one of my favorite designs towear. don't forget to apply a generous amount of the fast drying top coat, which will bringthe design together and protect it, so it will last you a long time.next design is a bit more girly and would be perfect for the upcoming valentine's orjust any other day, as love is always important. apply two coats of pinky nude polish. thenapply some white on the tip of the nail diagonally like this. the easiest way to do this is byrotating your finger, while keeping the polish

brush steady. next, start making small greendots on the edge of the white. here, i am making the dots close to each other. now it'stime to show your nails some love by giving them two sweet cartoon kisses. make two linesto get kind of a reverse w shape. this is the upper lip. for the lower lip, make a dotfirst, and then drag the color to each side. voila, you get the perfect lip shape! youcan also apply the white polish all over the nail and then make a lot of kisses on top.i love how this one turned out! to finish off, apply a layer of a fast drying top coatand here's our finished kissed nail art design. it's so easy, yet it looks perfect. i'm definitelygoing to wear this one more often as it's really quick and simple to make, but it looksfabulous.

the last design is a pinky dotted exclamationmark. for the base color i chose white, so i am painting two coats of white polish. i'mgoing to make a stencil using a tape, which will help me achieve a neater and more precisedesign. fold the tape, draw a half of the exclamation mark on like this and cut it out.if you are precise enough and don't need a stencil, lucky you, you can skip this step!when you unfold the tape, you get this triangular hole. stick it a few times at the back ofyour hand, to make the glue less strong. now you can stick the stencil on the middle ofthe nail like this. next, start dotting the polish inside the edges of the tape. i recommendmaking some small and some large dots. i decided to use three pink shades for my exclamationmark. when you're done, simply remove the

tape and you're left with a lovely triangleshape. you can now add some more dots here and there to perfect it. in the end, i ammaking a big dot below the triangle and my exclamation sign is complete! apply a generousamount of the fast drying top coat to bring the design together and to add some shine.using this technique you can create different shapes like a star, flower or a heart, whichi'll show you as a bonus. draw a half of the heart on a folded piece of tape, cut it outand stick on the nail. now start making dots of different sizes inside the edges. as youcan see i used this design as an accent on my ring finger. i painted all the other nailsminty green. i love how girly and cute this manicure turned out. the heart and exclamationdesigns remind me of a mosaic and i love how

you can play with different colors and shapesto make countless designs using this technique. why buying nail art tools when all you needis a simple toothpick! i can't believe this was already my third video with five toothpicknail art designs. i really hope you like them and let me know which design is your favoritein the comments below! if you try to make any of these designs yourself,you must share them with me on my social media, because it makes me so happy to see your recreations.you promised this time :). also, if you like the video, don't forget to rate it and sharewith your friends. if you do that, i may film another episode of the toothpick nails. sonow, i am going to enjoy the rest of the day in the sun. i hope you have an awesome daywherever you are. love you, bye!

also...i'm going to show you 5, actually sis, sis :d...hey guys, you asked for it, so here it is! thirdpick... thirdpick :d... thirdpick episode:d.

simple but beautiful house designs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selintya Ramadhani