![minimaliste tiny house minimaliste tiny house](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jEWUYjrm_pw/maxresdefault.jpg)
hey everyone! hi everybody! i'm amarina. and i'm ron. we're from favourite human. and we are in birmingham, alabama. we just drove three and a half hours to gethere. it was a pretty nice drive through a lot ofrain and now it's just sunny and hot. we're dancing to some slow jams, a littlesaxophone.
a little courtyard slow jam in the bjcc inbirmingham convention centre. yeah there are zero signs, there's a lot ofbuildings, we don't know where we're going but some nice folk directed us in this direction. yonder. so we're going to go...i think he actuallysaid yonder. he did. everyone's so nice. yeah, it's really great. we're going to go check it out!
we're going to go check out some tiny homes,guys. join us. so we just saw this adorable, this adorabletiny house by tiny by design. nicest kitchen i have ever seen in a tinyhouse. it was beautiful. we still have more to look at but it was sonice. nice little details, look at that scallopedsiding there. yeah it was really cute. very cool.
i wasn't actually sure if we could for real,for real living in a tiny home. there's a lot of promise here. after seeing some of these places, and westill haven't seen all of them, it looks more and more doable. yeah. let's see more! okay this one was a beast. beast. 400 square feet.
it has this porch. wrap around porch. one of the biggest like, it was a traditionalbedroom. it was a full, regular bedroom. it looks like, like you can see how far itgoes. it's just like, what?! not so tiny. still on a trailer though. yeah i think it was under $50,000 to haveit custom to whatever.
which is like, not that bad for...it was beautifulinside. i still think i would want to build it ourselves. yeah, we're still very much of the let's buildthis thing. but inspo. inspo. we have just perused all the delightful creationsof the tiny house roadshow here in birmingham, alabama. sweaty, sweaty birmingham. birmingham.
it's lightly raining. it's misting. the sun's out but it's also misting. and huge success as road trip. learned a lot of things. yeah! we have mittfuls of brochures. mittfuls of brochures, we have cards, we metsome cool tiny house people and let's go through our findings.
shall we? once again, list. we should say, that we had never actuallybeen in a tiny house before. so even though it seem like it's somethingthat's very likely in our future. some sort of not traditional home, smallerthan the usual. and we even wrote a blog post about it onour favourite human blog that i can link below and ron illustrated it. about our tiny, future tiny home options anduh. this was the first time i.r.l.
we've watched enough youtube videos to feellike we've been inside one but this was the first time it actually, you know, physically,kicked the tires, and see the bathroom options, and all sorts of fun stuff. oh god. am i going to get a tick from sitting underthis tree? so, we moved. switched spots. i was, go ahead. we were afraid of ticks falling from the tree.
lyme disease or any other tick-related maladies. i got bit by a tick like two weeks ago. yeah you did. and that's why we moved. and it's freaking me out, and now i have thisheightened tick, tick fear that lives forever within. it is valid. what were your first impressions? my first impressions, our very first impressionof it, we kind of started at one of the - we're
not going to name names - so we started atone of the maybe shoddiest tiny homes at the convention. it was a mess. there was a moment of like, oh. oh is this what we're in for? but then it actually got progressively better. each one was nicer than the one before. i really enjoyed seeing so many options allat once. like it might overwhelm some people but iwas like, i want it.
show me everything. you were thirsting for it. i want to see it all. i think we were able to gather our opinions,after doing so much research online we were able to gather our opinions like i.r.l. ratherquickly. just being like okay, this is what this actuallylooks like. this is the quality of this. this is what this material looks like wheni touch it, when i knock on it with my hands. so the impressions that we got just from lookingat all the tiny houses, just imagining what
we would do if we were to build one. which we're still...i'm still leaning towardsthe geodesic dome as future home. i know you are. yeah, but i feel like there was a lot of stuffthat we saw today that we could totally apply to that as well. so it really, it really doesn't matter whichway we go. it was all good data to gather. oh yeah. definitely.
we got to see the nature's way compostingtoilet, like in person and i had try to find out how much it was online and we were ableto talk to somebody in person and it's about $1,000 all in. which is not bad. and we did see a lot of, they seem to at theseconventions, which we will have to keep an eye out for them, they do give a lot of discountdeals at the convention. where there will be like, the show price,which is nice to know. okay. first two things off the list, wet room bathroomwould be dope, composting toilet, not so bad.
not as scary in reality as it might seem. number three, zero percent chance of us puttinga ladder in our tiny home. ladders are verboten. they had all these like fancy ones with, likecool, you know, the like antiqued pipe look, which is very hot right now. it looked strong. strong, but it doesn't take into considerationour clumsiness, klutzy nature. and i want the cats to be able to get up andbe able to sleep with us and get down safely. yes.
which, i think we'll build them some sortof tunnel regardless. i just, i feel like, can you imagine if youhurt your leg or something? and then you have to go up that fucking ladder,like up and down? no. it's very quaint but not so good in practice. it saves a ton of space, i totally get whypeople do it, but i don't think it's the right choice for us. they actually had one that was like a faketree trunk that had like prong footing to climb up.
which was so cute. very cute. i'd rather die than use that. i'd rather die. but you have to do the stairs and do themsmart and create storage underneath. yeah the stairs actually are way more useful. no ladders. ladders, fuck it. be gone.
*someone asks if we know where the tiny homeshow is* it's that way. right through there. yep no problem. um, we also got lost and some nice peoplehelped us. this place is huge. last, i just had a thought and now i forgotwhat it was. steel frames? steel frames. this, is it, vol..volstrukt, i believe isthe name.
what they were doing, this is them, checkit out. so traditionally with wood framing, it wouldtake about a week to go through the whole process but with this framing system, thestainless steel, it was about 8 hours. which, if you're trying to do something quickly... did you see that guy? it was a tricycle segway? it was a tricycle segway. i've never seen that before. bootin'.
bootin' it. how can we maintain our focus? there's always crazy shit happening. nonsense happening. our final impression of the day was that wewouldn't buy, you know, like a pre-fab tiny home. it's really expensive anywhere like $50-100,000and beyond depending on what you want to put in it. and you know, all your custom decisions.
but, i'm super into the steel because in additionto it being 60% lighter than wood, it's recyclable, forever. there's no vocs, it's not going to leech chemicals,it seems super fucking strong, and they come in the kits. which is what i feel like we would probablydo. we are really leaning towards that. because then we can do everything else. we can do the outside, all of that stuff wereally feel confident that we can do or learn. yeah we can figure out how to you know, putup siding and drywall and all that shit, even
plumbing i think we can figure out. it's nice to know that that's the foundation. that it would be something that is vettedby a third party that knows more than we do. yeah, and we can build it ourselves. all in all, a really good day. i learned a lot. it was exciting. it was worth the drive. it was absolutely worth the drive.
and the drive was beautiful. the drive was beautiful. and it was a solid 3.5 hours each way butwe're listening to podcasts and i made a little mix. we were listening to janet jackson on theway up. thank you so much for watching. thanks guys. we had a blast here at the tiny house roadshowin birmingham, alabama. check it out, there's more dates, we can puta link to their schedule and stuff underneath.
if you're into our videos, i hope you are,subscribe below, or here, or somewhere. it will be around here. check out the blog, we'll do more posts, we'lldo more videos. yeah i don't know what's next but we'll figureout something. who knows what's next? and comment if you have any questions andwe'll get back to you. it's worth it, check out the tiny house roadshow. it's worth it. tiny houses, blowing up! bye!