Monday, May 22, 2017

furniture minimalist

furniture minimalist

hey! this is my home tour video. i just wanted to start right here in the front of my house. this is my little nook right when we walk in, we can take our shoes off, put our jackets away, and hang the keys up. this was a closet, but i took the door off and that's what i turned it into.and those are for a friend,those aren't mine, it's dog treats, i don't have any dogs. here is the second closet in the entry.

on the top i have a pet taxi for the cats, and then extra paint, and i've got extra hangers too,not that those get really used but they're there in case we need them. and then the floor cleaning supplies. and the litter box. this is new. please ignore all of the construction looking crap in there, we had to have the walls busted out on the

bottom from a dead rodent.that was great. so anyway, the litter box just got put in there a couple of days ago so i haven't gotten all this situation ironed out yet, but i am going to be putting a cat door down here so that they can get in with this door shut.right now i'm having to leave it open. this closet is the hvac unit and then, oh and, the water heater is

in there too.and this is my living room. let me back up just a little bit.sorry excuse cat toy on the floor. my couch and my buddha painting, the tables, there's nothing on that side, but the lamp. and curtains.then that's the cat tree, and the entertainment center.i'll show you what's inside. okay, down here, just the dvd player is all that's down here.the shelves are empty

because anything that goes on there, the cats will knock here i've got year books from high school, and then tarot cards, a couple of a buddhist reading books, and then and sage for smudging. in here i have luke's dvds are in a case. that's not even full.probably not even half full. and then my dvds and dvd remote. these are some crafts i was trying to do.

i don't know that i'll keep that stuff. but it's in there for right now.hey boo boo. alright and then in here is my candles.yes, i realize that's a lot of candles.they were discontinued, this scent, and i bought them out while i could. so that's where those are.anyway, so we'll keep going. over here to the dining room.let me backup. sorry put my finger in the way. that's the dining room and my other painting.that's the beach.

and that's where the cat's food is at. and this is my kitchen. do a quick look around.i know a couple of you had mentioned i got new dishes. i did. i decided to go with a more neutral color this time in case i wanted to change other colors in the house.this is the freezer. not a whole lot in there. i've got to go to the grocery store soon.and the refrigerator. again i need to go, sorry, excuse my noisy refrigerator, i need to go to the grocery store.

over here, is the range and that's the spoon rest from my grandmother. another very prized the possession of mine. anyway there's the microwave. up here is just, yep, just light bulbs.close that. inside the range, i have my dutch oven that the lid is also a skillet and my pizza pan that i use as like a cookie sheet for everything.down here is my corningware.

there are two of them in there. the cats are totally curious what i'm doing. i have my laptop out so i can upload this video in a moment. but it's usually up there on top of the refrigerator. dishwasher.there's just a couple of things of silverware in there. this cabinet, just food, some extra cat treats, and lots of extra tea.i drink a lot of peppermint tea, like two or three

glasses a dayand then up here, is, on the very top is the cat's grooming stuff for their toenail clippers and their brushes and things like that.and then those are all of our medicines and first aid stuff.and then yes, i use disposable stuff because there are only two of us it would take a really long time for us to load up the dishwasher, and it would

it would be pretty gross by the time we got to the point where we could wash them, so i use disposables.and then, oh, up here, this is the cleaning thing for the cast iron. open this up. watch out nickel. move the trash can. i keep trash bags and paper towels.those paper towels will probably last me a year, i don't use them that frequently. i actually use the cloths back there more often for

spills and stuff. the paper towels are more for if the cats have a mistake, accident, or whatever and we can clean that up.nickel, you've got to move buddy. and then i keep my lotion down here for after i wash my hands in the sink.we'll close that up. he's wanting treats because i'm in the kitchen

the only reason he's in're looking for treats, huh? down here is pretty empty. just some storage containers, and luke uses those colanders to eat popcorn out of. i don't know why, it's just what he does.move boo. and then down here is luke's cabinet. he has access to all of this whenever he needs it.he usually doesn't eat any of this until it's like snack

time after school or whatever. some of that stuff is for his lunch at school up here... in here is just extra sponges, some mr. clean magic erasers, hand towels, and the open bag of treats, that nickel is like "why are you closing?" he's so mad at me. i'll give you some. look, i don't have any right now, but i'll give

you some whenever i get finished with this video, ok? because you totally understand what i'm saying. just my silverware.look at him, so pitiful. my ove-gloves, i know they look gross. i promise they're clean. i literally just washed them and they just look gross because all the grease splatters and stuff. those are silicone cooking utensils and aluminum foil.

and then in here is just like a junk drawer. it looks pretty right ratty right now. it's not normally this chaotic.those i just took out of luke's room and i'm going to be putting them somewhere else.when i put those in, i was just lazy and put them in there for right now. anyway so just paper, pens, and a stain pen for the wood, tape, flossers, junk, pencils, whatever.he's so mad.

alright let's keep going. so we've been to the living room and we've been to that hallway.we're going to go over here... sneak peek at the bathroom...this is the linen closet. there's just some extra toilet paper, extra wipes, extra shampoos, there's a couple of towels missing from here that we have in use at the moment.down here is where i keep the bag of cat food because if it was out

the cats would be all in it. and then that's my purge bin,if ever i need to throw anything out or get rid of it, i throw it in there and when it's full i take it to goodwill.and then here's the bathroom. i'll give you a quick overlook of it. pretty standard bathroom. i'm kind of trying to not be in the mirror because i look awful right now.

in here is just all stuff i use to get ready in the morning. luke's toothbrush and toothpaste.deodorant, lotion and things like that.and of course you can catch me in the mirror.hello! anyway, in here i have a lint roller and hair here is extra soap and this is my makeup bag. there's not a lot in there.and then extra deodorant.

nickel, really, really, you've got to stop man. alright and then down here is just my nail polish. dude seriously?my hamper. and then in here... whoop, sorry buddy...just epsom salt soak, and extra trash bags for the trash can and extra air freshener.while we're in here we'll turn around. nickel, please go away.

there you go.this is where the laundry room is pretty empty. that's where i keep my underwearand bras and things like that. that's just don't go back there... detergent and stain sticks and dryer sheets. so, not a whole lot to see back there.turn off some lights while we're going back through. and luke is asleep.i tried to record this earlier today and i didn't get a chance to before he

fell asleep, so hopefully he won't wake up. anyway, this is his roomi'll give you a quick overview of it.there he is up there sleeping. he sleeps like a log, so hopefully this won't wake him up. *cough* excuse me.that's his little bit unit. most of it is stuffed animals.i can show you everything. just cars and a yokai watch. stuffed animals. ponies.blocks. books. blocks. stuffed animals. stuffed animals. stuffed animals.

because you know,you can never have too many of those. that's just all his art supplies and coloring books and things like that. the chairs in here so the cats can get up into a window, because they like to see out. and then this bed is new. he wanted a couch in his room so he's really liking to sleep on the top bunk lately.isn't he cute? then there's his little art wall.he's very abstract.

the cat's scratching.this is his closet. there's just one outfit missing. i washed his clothes today except for what he was wearing. so that's all his clothes, except for one outfit. and his shoes... let's see if it'll brighten up in there... probably not... anyway, four pairs of shoes.his laundry basket. this is all his bath toys in here. and then underwear, socks, pajamas, slippers, and hats.

so that's his room... close this closet... oh, i guess i could tell you what's up here. games and extra blankets that he uses like playing fort and whatever else.this is just extra school supplies and sidewalk chalk and some clothes for next summer. they were a dollar or i wouldn't have gotten them. and then painting supplies.he likes to paint sometimes. the cats are in there so i'll just leave those open, or one of them anyway. anyway, so we'll go over here and swing

over to my bedroom. lastly. and here's my room. pretty easy. and i did my pillow just for you guys! it's kind of cool. i want to show you...whoops, i'm sorry... i want to show you what it does. it's really cool. watch. is that not the coolest thing ever? anyway so much fun.this is my room. i've got two sets of closets, and then

the lamp, and the bed.there's no other furniture in here. i'll show you the empty closet first. this is the one waiting for wife. one day. nothing in there.i need to paint and lay the floor, maybe then she'll come. and this is my closet.there are a few things missing out of here. i washed my laundry today as well, preparing for this.up there is my lockbox, and a couple of waterproof pads

on top of it.and this is like seasonal stuff... let me fix... there we go... seasonal stuff, hats, boots, shoes, swimwear, things like that.these are extra pants.these are the pants that i wear for work and i got them on deep discount, so i bought several of them because they will last me for years and years

and i love them.and then that's my luggage. there's nothing inside there right now. and my closet.all of my clothes. there's only two shirts and a pair of jeans missing.i'm wearing one of the shirts and the jeans and a shirt and pants. the cats are in here.i moved the flooring in here from the other closet

when i moved their litter box into the other closet, so that's why that's in here now. and my i guess i'm just going to leave that open since they're all up in there. so that's all of everything in my house. quick run back through.its pretty small, of course it still took 15 minutes to go through here apparently, but that's my house. i hope you enjoyed it!

furniture minimalist Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selintya Ramadhani