Thursday, May 18, 2017

ejuice with thc

ejuice with thc

hey thanks for watching this is new amsterdam vape and in this tutorial i will show you how your own liquid for electroniccigarettes this is a very simple process that allows you to have complete control over your liquid. you can customize it to your owntaste and control how much nicotine throat hit and vapor production you get out of your liquid.

i'm gonna demonstrate how to make one ofmy favorite all day vape flavors, strawberry banana. there are manyingredients are used to make my liquid which were all primarily found online, inthe description below i will provide links to the exactingredients i used for this flavor vegetable glycerin is an organic liquid that is the vapor base in e-liquids. it isvery thick produces all the clouds and vapor in your liquidit's naturally sweet on its own and has through and can be used as aflavorless liquid

propylene glycol is used as the base inmost flavors it's a very thin liquid that producesvery little vapor but gives the liquid a strong throat hitand is the carrier for the flavor the nicotine that i'm using today waspurchased a local vapor store sold as a flavorless liquid with a veryhigh nicotine strength this has been working well in my recipes but you can also purchase other nicotinebases that are much stronger and available in 100 percent pg or 100percent vg bases. the strength of the nicotinei'm using today

is twenty four milligrams per milliliterwhich means for every milliliter of liquid there are 24 milligrams of nicotine. the flavors i'm using are from the flavor apprentice which is one of my favoriteflavor vendors. they are a pg base and contain other ingredients such asethyl alcohol and water try to avoid any oil basedflavorings or flavorings with diacetyl which can cause breathing andasthma-like problems the link to their online store

will be in the description below i liketo use graduated cylinders for mixing but you can also use a blunt needlesyringe for accurate measurements i use the ten milliliter for smallbatches and the fifty milliliter for larger batches disposable pipettes are handy fortransferring the liquids they hold roughly three milliliters ofliquid and have notches on the neck that measure in quarter milliliter increments for accurate measuring funnels of various sizes are necessary forgetting a liquid into the bottles i prefer glass bottles with dropper capsfor all of my liquids

the come in an amber or blue tint whichhelps keep out the light so the liquid is not damaged nicotine is not degraded. the glass iseasily recyclable and better than plastic bottles whichtend to absorb flavors when making your liquid there's abit of math involved but luckily there are calculators online that make the process much easier and streamlined. i like to use the steam engine e-liquid calculator which i'll provide alink in the description below first you enter the batch size that you want to produce which

today will be 15 milliliters. next you enterthe nicotine strength and what ratio a vg to pg the nicotine base is. the nicotine i'm using today is twentyfour milligrams per milliliter and the ratio 75 percent vg to 25percent pg. then you take what target nicotinestrength you're aiming for i like to keep my strength pretty low atabout 3 milligrams per milliliter it's good to know what strength you preferbeforehand but try to start low before using higher nicotine levelsotherwise you get bad headaches and feel sick. after you enter everythinginto the calculator it will give you a

breakdown of how much nicotine vg and pg to use to make your flavor but itdoesn't factor in your flavors this is an important bit that is up to your owndiscretion. flavor recipes are expressed as percentages which means the flavor will be a certainpercentage of the overall size the batch that you're making. for example today i'llbe making a strawberry banana flavor so the recipe for the flavors i'm usingwill be 10 percent strawberry and 3 percent banana. percentages areimportant for scaling a recipe to different batchsizes so the flavor strength is the same

if you find a flavors good at ten percentthen when making a ten milliliter bottle you put one milliliter of theflavor liquid a 15 milliliter bottle will require 1.5 milliliters of the flavor liquid and a thirty milliliter bottle will require three milliliters up theflavor liquid a good rule of thumb when trying to makenew flavors is the five percent rule whenever you use a new flavor test it ina small batch at 5 percent with no nicotine so you getthe full effect to the flavor this is a good jumping-off point so youknow if you want it to be stronger or lighter

here's a breakdown of the recipei'll be mixing today expressed in percentages and the exactmilliliter amount. that i like this i found that i like this ratio of strawberry to banana flavor since thebanana flavor is stronger and can overwhelm the strawberry. now ifyou remember the numbers that the calculator gave are a bit different than the recipe that i'm showing. first i rounded off the numbers that the calculator gave since i won't be able to measure exactlyto one-hundredth of a milliliter

the flavors i'm using are a pg base, so they'llbe counted as part of the pg portion of the recipe. since theflavors makeup two milliliters of the juice this is subtracted from the pg portion.the nicotine i'm using is a mixture both vg and pg. here i'vebroken down the pg and vg content of the liquid i'm making you cansee that it's an even ratio 50 percent pg to 50 percent vg which isthe target ratio that i'm going for fifty percent vg fifty percent pg is a goodbasic ratio for most vapers. it's good for tanks andclearomizers since it's fairly

thin, has moderate cloud production andthroat hit. this is a good middle ground for most vapers. i prefer to make my liquids at ninetypercent vg to ten percent pg this is a good mixfor rebuildable atomizers which produces a lot of vapor and has verylittle throat hit. as you make your own flavors you'll find your own preferred ratio of vgto pg depending on how much throat hit and cloud production that you like. it's good toexperiment with these ratios remember more pg the more throat hitand less vapor

more vg less throat hit but more vaporproduction. to begin the mixing process i'll bestarting with the flavor liquid using the pipette extract one point fivemilliliters of the strawberry flavor. when measuringwith the graduated cylinder it's important to look at it at eye level soyou can see the meniscus. if you remember chemistry class themeniscus is the curvature to the liquid in the container. it curves upwards around the edges someasurements must be made from the bottom up the meniscus

since the cylinder only measures andfifths of a milliliter i'm going to eyeball 1.5 milliliter mark.using a new disposable pipette extract half a milliliter of the bananaflavor add the half milliliter of banana flavorto the cylinder making sure to get the bottom of the meniscus to the two milliliter mark. now it's time to add the pg, vg and nicotine to the batch i use small dropper bottles for the vg and pg which make it easier to add precisely. i'llstart with the nicotine add two milliliters of nicotine to the mix

you can see the liquid separate as youadd the nicotine measure the liquid to the four milliliter mark at the meniscus next add the vg. i'm adding sixmilliliters of vg to the mix to bring us to the tenmilliliters exactly you can see how dense the vg liquid isas it sinks to the bottom of the cylinder now that we're at the 10 milliliter markwere ready to dump this into the bottle. using the funnel i'll pour this portion of the mix into the bottle.

make sure to hold the cylinder for a little while so you getevery drop. finally it's time to add pg. you can seeright away that the pg is very thin and flows almostlike water i'll measure this up to five milliliters and then added to the bottle. pour the pg into the bottle which will bring the mix to the neck. hold the cylinder for a while to allow the liquid to drop. now you're finished mixing and yourliquid is all set but it's not ready to

be vaped just yet. as you saw during the mixingthe liquids are at different densities and need to be blended together. you can puton the cap and shake the bottle around to blend the liquid but i find this to be pretty tiresome and have an alternative method for blending the liquids i like to use my drill with aclamp to hold the bottle and give it a high speed spin. i find this works very well and it's also pretty fun it's good to do this periodically to theliquid, i do it about once a day when i make my e-liquids steeping is the most important process in a making your liquids and there's many different methods. warmwater baths are one method many people

use to steep their liquids. this is a candle warmer which warmthe water but does not boil it. this will make a warm bath for the bottle to sit, allowing the ingredients in yourflavor to blend together you can also do it without the cap onallowing the flavor to breathe. breathing is important because certainflavors like the banana has ethyl alcohol so it's important toallow that to about evaporate out before vaping. it may take several days forthe all the ethyl alcohol to evaporate out so make sure you give it time. it's alsoimportant to know warm baths and breathing

liquid oxidizes nicotine content. thiscauses liquid to turn a darker color and the strength of the nicotinediminishes. the best method for steeping your liquid is to give it time. keep it in a dark area where it won't beexposed to direct sunlight and allow it to sit for at least a week. you'llfind the more time you give your flavors the better the come out. now that you'refamiliar with the process go out an experiment! try out differentflavors and see what works best for you i've been making my own flavors for awhile and it's been a very rewarding process that's also saved me quite a bit of's good practice to keep track of the

recipes you are making. i use a spreadsheet to help keep trackof everything i put into a recipe. so if a flavor comes up particularly welli can make it again and if i didn't like it i have somethingto go off of so i know what to change this is new amsterdam vape and we'll becoming at you with more tutorials and videos if you found this tutorial helpful andinformative please be sure to like comment and subscribe

ejuice with thc Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selintya Ramadhani